Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lunar Madness – Fictional Character Photo series by Badri PN

lunar madness – fictional character photo series by Badri PN
The moon’s gravity is strong enough to raise tides in our oceans.  But does it affect human behaviour as well?  

i am master degree holder in engineering. so i always keep on researching things. Being a researcher requires inspiration and constant dedication.“Research is what I am doing when I don’t know what I am doing.” my precious thing is research. research about human behaviour during full moon passion is photography. so am trying to tell fictional photo story based on nocturnal behaviour of human during full moon day
Even today many people think the mystical powers of the full moon induce erratic behaviours psychiatric hospital admissions, suicides, homicides, emergency room calls, traffic accidents, fights at professional hockey games, dog bites and all manner of strange events



IMAGINATIVE photo story . what happen if moon struck guy get out of his home during full moon day. A small image story. Some facts are included in this post. everything proved one real facts.

Reference : some website
People doing research into the effects of positive and negative ions have noticed that when there are too many positive ions in the air, the body goes into serotonin
serotonin(Serotonin is a chemical created by the human body that works as a neurotransmitter) overproduction which in turn leads to hyperactive adrenal production. Eventually the adrenal gland becomes exhausted. This all leads to somatic problems and all kinds of emotional/behavioural problems that range from depression to hyperactivity.
A full moon somehow triggers more positive ions into the air
Our sleep cycles are regulated by the amount of light that is out. Also, at night, many others are asleep. This means that we have the opportunity to return to a more primal mindset because we do not have to worry as much about how our peers see us and we have the opportunity to “go nuts” without fear of judgement unless you wake them up and they call the cops. Who we are when we do not fear punishment is entirely different from who we are in every other social situation. That may help explain the whole lunatic idea.


Greek philosopher Aristotle and Roman historian Pliny the Elder suggested that the brain was the “moistest” organ in the body and thereby most susceptible to the pernicious influences of the moon, which triggers the tides.


Belief in the “lunar lunacy effect,” or “Transylvania effect,” as it is sometimes called, persisted in Europe through the Middle Ages, when humans were widely reputed to transmogrify into werewolves or vampires during a full moon.


The Pineal gland turns Serotonin into Melatonin in proportion to the amount of light it receives during a day. It releases this melatonin when it is dark. The amount of melatonin released on a new moon would be at peak, and on a new moon would be a trough. This is undeniably a variation of brain and body chemistry dependent on the moon (baring circumstantial complications).


More light at night when the moon is full. That does change the behavior of critters. Sometime when there is a summer lunar eclipse go out to the edge of a swamp/wetland and listen. You will hear strangled versions of the sunset/sunrise sounds birds make as they are confused by the rapid change in light level.


Even so, the belief is still common today. One survey in the USA found that about 40 per cent of the general population, and 80 per cent of mental health professionals, believe that the phase of the Moon affects human behaviour.
sathish sitting iin copound 3a

Even today many people think the mystical powers of the full moon induce erratic behaviours, psychiatric hospital admissions, suicides, homicides, emergency room calls, traffic accidents, fights at professional hockey games, dog bites and all manner of strange events. One survey revealed that 45 percent of college students believe moonstruck humans are prone to unusual behaviours, and other surveys suggest that mental health professionals may be still more likely than laypeople to hold this conviction.

sathish sitting iin copound 1a

Most hunting from animals such as lions and other big cats occurs in the extra- dark – extra long window that occurs just after sundown and immediately before a full moon rises. This is the best time for a violent predator to hunt, man or beast, because its the longest darkest period of the month – offering the best shroud possible… before a full moon rises to illuminate the carnage… There is reason in all the blood/moon/beast/violence connections after all. Scientific and logical hunting windows of opportunity.

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“I used to be a nurse and worked nights. When there was a full moon the patients would be really restless and not be able to sleep. I do believe that the full moon does affect peoples psyche”

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Even so, the belief is still common today. One survey in the USA found that about 40 per cent of the general population, and 80 per cent of mental health professionals, believe that the phase of the Moon affects human behaviour.
sathish sitting iin copound 8.1

“I am a very clear headed and intelligent person, an engineer by profession. I am absolutely convinced beyond a doubt that there is a direct connection between the full moon and tinnitus. Friday is full moon. Tonight the sky is as devoid of haze as it will ever be. I went outside and there it was, directly overhead, as I told my friends. They find it hard to believe. My ears are giving me hell, pulsating and ringing constantly and only in the last hour or so. It’s only on these absolutely clear nights that I have ear trouble when the moon is directly overhead. There has to be a scientific reason. I’m simply not stupid. I have experienced the condition dozens of times and the nights were always clear and the moon directly overhead here in Noosa. I’ve been here 20 years. ” took this from forum full moon topic comments.




“I used to work at an animal care clinic and we had more dogs admitted during the full moon for seizures than any other time of the month. Other illnesses seemed such as likely during any other time of the month. But the full moon, and two days before and after, we saw many more animals admitted for seizures and other brain-related illnesses. I don’t know if the full moon has a similar effect on people, but it is possible. I think Matt has a good point too, move visibility makes the most sense. Also, many seizures are triggered by light, so it’s possible that the dog’s seizures are triggered specifically by moonlight, or moonlight reflecting off of water in a bowl” says Nathaniel

cat on the wall -fickle minded during full moon

In one study published in 1982 an author team reported that traffic accidents were more frequent on full-moon nights than on other nights.

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In medieval times the full moon was assumed to be related to womens’ menstrual cycle, and it quickly became associated with erratic behavior, witchcraft etc
lunar lunacy effect


In 2007 several police departments in the U.K. even added officers on full-moon nights in an effort to cope with presumed higher crime rates.



In one study published in 1982 an author team reported that traffic accidents were more frequent on full-moon nights than on other nights.

One survey revealed that 45 percent of college students believe moonstruck humans are prone to unusual behaviours, and other surveys suggest that mental health professionals may be still more likely than laypeople to hold this conviction.


Anonymous 1: pov
I believe there is a relationship between the full moon and and human. For example: in math we were talking about how there was a full moon all that week and the students in our class were extra hyper than normal. when there is a full-moon there are more emergency accidents and violent crimes which is the full-moon effect. When the moon comes closer to the earth the tides change and the tidal waves could also effect the behavior of a person, but when you think about it it all comes back to the moon.
– Kierra Owens
Anonymous 2: pov
I do not think that the full moon has any affect on peoples behavior. There are people who believe it is true but it does not make sense that the moon can make people crazy. People probably think it is true because of movies or books. But it is probably just a coincidence that people are crazy the day of a full moon.
But study tells
with 80 per cent of nurses and 63 per cent of doctors convinced they saw more patients with mental health problems during a full moon than at any other time.
Researchers evaluated patients who visited emergency rooms at Sacré-Coeur Hospital in Montreal, Quebec and Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis in Lévis, Quebec, and linked their visits to lunar calendars.
  • Research by psychologists at Université Laval in Québec City, Canada
  • Analysed 771 patients admitted to emergency wards over three years
  • Those with psychological issues no more likely to come in at full moon
  • But 63% of doctors say they see more psychological patients at full moon
Study confirms myth of lunar cycle driving us mad is false… but doctors claim more mental health patients come in at full moon.


If the Moon effects the tides movement of water.then surely the effect of the full moon can have an effect on the brain…since it contains much fluid.


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